

"To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."
- Oscar Wilde

For some reason, I'm feeling very happy with my own company this evening. I really enjoy the times I'm in this kind of mood.

(For some truly wonderful quotes by Oscar Wilde, see this compilation. The man was a genius.)


Also on the quote front, I ran across the following line in Persuasion, by Jane Austen. I think it describes how my friends and family feel about my single state. (The character's name is coincidentally, Anne.)
"...and though Lady Russell, as satisfied as ever with her own discretion, never wished the past undone, she began now to have the anxiety which borders on hopelessness for Anne's being tempted, by some man of talents and independence, to enter a state for which she held her to be peculiarly fitted by her warm affections and domestic habits."

(Tor Classics has a copy of Persuasion on Amazon with a delightfully pulpy cover. It makes the book look like one of those soft-core Regency romances you can get in the grocery store.)

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