After Star Trek, we trekked over to the
Riviera (aka "The Riv"). There, we gambled a bit more and I lost $16 on the penny slots. We had started feeling a bit peckish, so we went to Ristorante Italiano for appetizers and desserts. While there, some characters came in to interact with other diners. Aileen figured out that they were actors from
"The Sopranos Last Supper," a cocktails and appetizer show (variation on Dinner Theater). Then, a third character came in and my sister gasped, "It's Christopher!" (Aileen, correct me if I'm wrong.) It was a clearly audible gasp, which, of course attracted attention, so they came over to investigate.

Aileen is watching the show and has gotten to the second season, so she knows enough to be dangerous. She got them talking, in character, of course. It was very entertaining -- something about them writing a screenplay or making a movie or something. The photo above is one I took, sort of by accident.
The food we had was pretty standard (and tasty) Italian fare, Salad Caprese, Antipasto Misto, Cannoli, Tiramisu. I only have a picture when we were done.

After that excitement, we went to
La Cage, a drag show, or as the link says, a "female impersonator" show. It was very cool. Stacey knew how to slip a few bills to the usher to get us better seats. A photographer took both a group photo (which we ended up buying one of) and individual shots (which we did not). Aileen began her conquest of all the guys in Las Vegas (actually, it had started with the Borg guy). The show was fabulous and the impersonations very good. During the show, I suspected (then was confirmed later) that the voice was the real celebrity singing, and the show was lip-synced. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed by this, but meh, what can you do? The Celine Dion guy did a great job of mimicking her moves while singing. The other really fun ones were Cher, Madonna (including a big, fat, comedic Madonna), and Bonnie Raitt
(correction, Stacey points out it was Reba McEntire). The best impersonator (actually seemed to be singing for reals) was the Judy Garland guy. Bravo! The best outfits were Frank Marino, aka Joan Collins. He must have had a dozen costume changes (doing the intros for each "celebrity") and each dress was better than the last.
We weren't allowed to take pictures ourselves, but I'm sure you get the picture. If you've seen
The Birdcage, you have a bit of an idea of what we saw, though Nathan Lane does his own singing there.

After the show, we walked down the strip, taking in the lights and sounds of Vegas. We stopped at the
Bellagio, which had some sort of garden theme in their lobby. It was so gorgeous, it takes my breath away just thinking about it.

There were butterflies hanging from the ceiling and a snail in the garden, mostly made of flowers and moss.

And there was an Ent! Squee!

Eventually, we made it down to the MGM Grand, where we waited, exhausted, for a shuttle to the hotel (Residence Inn, off strip). We made it to our rooms in one piece, and so endeth the first day.
Tomorrow: The Paris Bathroom!
Dang, it does sound like you had a good time! That's just wonderful.
Now, I want to know - did you play roulette?? Lucky 27 wants to know!!
Anne, your descriptions are dead on. I'd just like to mention that Bonnie Rait, she was really Reba McEntire.
Bonnie Raitt was really Reba McEntire ROTLMAO!
And yay tomorrow. Paris bathroom.
(I might be a moron.)
Nathan - we TOTALLY get the bathrooms. We did hit every bathroom logistically possible and did comparatives. I was taking lots of architectural type shots myself which I got a ribbing from the non-building type in the group.
Hee! Oops, I meant Reba. I'll fix it. Thanks for the catch, Stacey! :D
And Nathan, you're not a moron. Stacey's right, we spent half our trip in bathrooms. Apparently all our bladders are the size of a walnut and not synchronized. :)
It's true, the garden theme in the Bellagio was phenomenal! And, yes, we love bathrooms. In my case it was appartently for primping as Anne pointed out that I was on a mission to conquer all males in Vegas (Rolling Eyes, with a smile)
Aileen, you don't do it intentionally, it just happens. ;)
It's already been said but...ENT!!
I love the Bellagio - we wander through there every time we're in Vegas. The atrium (gardens) are always awesome, the glass ceiling sculpture in the entry way is amazing, and in general it's the prettiest & cleanest of casinos. Did you see the shop with chocolate fountains in the ceiling and walls?
We've never been to La Cage - sounds fun!
Oooh, chocolate fountains! Now I have a real reason to go back. I missed that...
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