Saturday (actual V day), I got distracted by a friend so that by the time dinner rolled around, I didn't feel prepared to do all the steps involved in making the full dinner. So, we had a quick and yummy meal at Parisi (one of the few places in the area that didn't take reservations and was therefore not booked) and I put together the blackberry cobbler quickly for dessert. I had Haagen-das vanilla ice cream to have on top. It was deelicious.
Sunday, I put together the dinner. I made shrimp sauteed with butter, garlic, and red pepper flakes for an appetizer and grilled filet mignon steaks wrapped in bacon (thanks, Costco!) and asparagus. The second side was polenta with Fontina and bacon. It was very tasty (how can you go wrong with cheese and bacon?) but made a lot. So I'll have a bunch left over for... breakfast maybe?
It was a relatively low key dinner. Grilling is so easy. But both the polenta and the cobbler required some thought and planning. How clever I was to break them up to different days! :D
How were your Valentine's Days? Fun, I hope.
Here's the remaining cobbler. I forgot to take photos of the rest. Ooops!
I liked the cobbler (how can you go wrong with pastry and berries?) but I've made a much better peach cobbler before. Next time I think I'm going to modify that recipe instead. And now that I've thought about it, I'm going to make that peach cobbler for my next dinner. After all, I have peaches in the freezer that I really need to use up. ;)
Chinese take-out here. Yum!
All by myself outside giving my Pampas Grass their spring haircuts. Soooo relaxing! I love my Pampas Grass. Weather was gorgeous. Where was John? At a highly successful gardening workshop, with 22 other attendees.
Lounging around the house till early afternoon at which point we drove up to Ft. Collins and had dinner with Gabe and Krissy & friends of theirs (Mike and Jenn). We also went to the Chocolate Cafe in Ft. Collins (our second time) boy is it delicious! We'll have to take you there some time - you'd love it! Anyway, Gabe's been dying to show us Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake) for ages so we ended up watching that when we got back to there house. I thought it was way more ridiculous than scary, but I tried real hard to be scared for Gabe. :-)
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