We had a baby shower for my sister yesterday. The photo above is a little dark (the flash didn't go off) but I love the natural feel of it and the expressions of the people.
I think it went very well. There were about 20 there, including the guest of honor and the planners. We had just the right amount of food (not too much and not too little). The theme was was "tea party," so Krissy brought a bunch of different teas. All of them were tasted and appreciated. Krissy brought a lemon tea bread, pumpkin bread, and handled the selection of games. Fortunately for all of us, she dislikes contrived group games as much as I do, so she had a couple very practical semi-games and we were able to spend all our time chatting, eating, and watching Aileen open gifts. Jenn was hostess (kudos to my brother for helping with the cleaning beforehand) and also made an awesome coffee cake. We had to consolidate chairs, but she was amazed to find that the gathering fit very well in her reasonably sized home (as opposed to my "snug/cozy" one).
I brought sugar cookies. (See above.)
So that we didn't collapse in a sugar coma, we also had Cider Cheddar fondue (with bread and apples for dipping), and carrots, celery, mushrooms, and potato chips with ranch dip.
It all went remarkably well and in between checking the tea pots to make sure we had enough tea, I got to see some of my favorite people. So, it was really nice. A round of applause to my co-hostesses.
Sounds lovely. And congratulations to Mummy for making it through her shower! HA!!
It was lovely. It was a wonderfully done event. The food and beverages were tasty and all the hostesses did a wonderful job - you too max!
applause, applause, applause . . . to the wonderful hostesses! It was lovely and I really appreciated the well wishes! I also feel a BUNCH more prepared now that I have some *stuff* in the house for babies. Now I just need to figure out how to organize it all and get it put away. :-) I think the event was a wonderful hit and people (especially me!) truly enjoyed themselves! :-)
That's me Stacey...the Hostess with the Mostess! er....wait.
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