Me, painting the jungle-themed mural. This one will have a tiger and two monkeys. You may notice that I have a black panther keeping me company.

Jenn, painting the savanna-themed mural. She's working on the elephant. It will also include a lion, a giraffe, and a rhinoceros. There'll also be some animals not placed in their environment (see the snake?).

Here's the finished elephant. It's a very good example of the style we're shooting for.
That's the kind of image a kid will remember into old age...in a really good way.
Wanna see details and wide shots of the finished product.
OMG. I'm gonna fly you two out to paint MY ROOM with jungle animals!!! Totally. Love. It.
Cute! :)
As the beneficiary (or mother of the beneficiary, really) I have to say this is the coolest thing ever. Step aside crappy wall decals - I've got the REAL thing coming!
Truly, I'm so thankful that Anne and Jenn agreed (enthusiastically at the time) to do it!! I've got no artistic talent so mine would have been more like animal stick figures. Strangely, the lion would look just like the Rhino . . . how did that happen???
(enthusiastically at the time)
Hey! I resemble that remark! ;)
Seriously though - I am super happy to be doing this. It's just the middle of the project, which is the tiring section. The beginning you're pumped up and the end you're pumped up, the middle you just have to slog through.
I must say I am SO glad I have Jenn helping me, not only for the labor and moral support, but because she totally rocks at painting and it will look so much cooler with her contribution! Thank you, Jenn!
I love the elephant. Hope there will be more pictures of the whole thing when it's done...
Yay on your efforts (both of you)!! Anne, you definitely look like your in the middle slogging bit.
I love the snake off down below. The finished elephant is beautiful.
Can't wait to see it all.
Wow! My walls would look so much cooler if you two painted murals on them. That's really good work.
I agree - please post pics of the finished product.
I am really, truly impressed. That looks amazing. What a nice sister!!
Any chance you want to come out to Illinois and do a cowboy thing for an adorable little two-year-old
Nice sales job, Matt. I almost shut down the computer to start packing! ;)
It has been a super fun process and I love working with Anne. When we are up there for many hours at a time, it's so nice to have someone there to keep you company.
I agree its been a lot of hard work the end result will be sooo worth it. I'll try and take some new pics tonight.
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