
Someone To DO Stuff With

I think one of the main attractions to having a significant other must be to have someone to DO stuff with. I know it is for me. The ironic thing is that as a relatively active person, I have spent a majority of my life without such a convenient resource. I have been active in spite of it, I suppose.
Seeing others (especially a former S.O.) doing fun stuff with their S.O. can be frustrating, and I have felt my share of jealousy, but I have to admit, I have been *very* fortunate to find a variety of people to fill my need for a companion. This coming weekend, for example, I'm going to Las Vegas (for the first time) with my sister, my friend Stacey, and a couple other gals. It's going to be a heck of a lot of fun. My trip to India will be with yet another pair of friends.
I'll probably never rid myself of the impression that a S.O. should also be a co-conspiritor, but I'll give myself the credit of not falling prey to the inverse, that a co-conspiritor must be a S.O.


Nathan said...

I'm jealous. I love Las Vegas.

My super-secret inside tip, just for you? The public restrooms off the casino in the Paris are the absolute bestest public restrooms anywhere.

You're welcome.

(Have a blast)

Mummy Grabill said...

Nathan - thanks for the hot tip on the Bathroom! As a kid I used to try out bathrooms everywhere I went (even if I didn't have to "go"). I would come out and I would rate them A,B,C,D, or F. I'll be sure to check it out!

Stacey said...

Nathan is right -they are very cool.
Now that I know that Aileen has a rating system, we'll have to keep notes and report back
This trip is gonna rock and be something that we talk about and laugh about and share that knowing look that we are all co-conspiritors to the same experience.

Tania said...

Have a blast! Put a chip on 27 when you play roulette, it's been a good number for me, hopefully it will be for you too!

Nathan said...

No, No, No. You have to play 24.

belsum said...

The thing with doing Stuff with your SO is that eventually you stop doing Stuff or keep doing the same Stuff. So I'm excited that Kirkie's now old enough that we can start doing Stuff with him along which makes it all fun and exciting again and forces us to do the Stuff we've been discussing for quite some time but haven't gotten around to actually doing!