
Key to the Solution

A month ago I lost my car keys and none of my spares worked (well, one did, but it got stuck in the ignition). Before that, I had a couple of scares where I thought I lost my keys. Now I'm having trouble with one of my housekeys sticking in the lock a bit.
Is this a sign from the Universe? If yes, what does it mean? Am I missing some "key" information? Am I stuck on the "key" to an issue? Or is it a sign I should get some WD40 and spray it in the lock? Hmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WD40 would be a good idea. However, stuck keys certainly seem to be a dominant theme. I noticed that the "fear of losing a key" came directly from you and not from the environment acting upon your life. Therefore (ahem!) you seem to be worrying about losing the key to something important.....