
We Are the Champions!

I just passed 50000 words a few minutes ago. I pretty much hit the end of the novel exactly at the end of the 50K. Of course, I still need to go back, graft it on the prequel piece that I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2005 and do a cursory edit/reformat before printing it out for my beta readers (Mum and Sis, first). This does feel like a stronger story than the one I wrote in 2004, so more likely to survive the editing process and much more likely to be submitted to publishers afterwards.

In the meantime, I'm going to shower, eat leftover Thanksgiving dinner, go to a movie, and then celebrate my brother's birthday.

Thank you everyone, for your support. I can honestly say that you made the difference between giving up and going on. THANK YOU!


MWT said...

Hooray! :D

*throws confetti*

Rebekah said...

Can't wait to read.


Random Michelle K said...

Yay Anne! Yay Anne! Lotsa words done! Yay Anne!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Anne!!! I knew you could do it! *HUG*

Three cheers for you:

Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Janiece said...

No, YOU are the champion! I'm the non-participating cheering section.


Stacey said...

Good job! We are so excited for you. Wahooooooooo

Jeri said...

Go Anne, go Anne!

::cue Chariots of Fire theme::

Anne C. said...

Aww... Thank you, guys. :D

hubs said...


Unknown said...

That's incredible, Anne! I hope you can push yourself to novel length of 100,000!

Keep going!

Anne C. said...

Thanks, hubs.
Thanks, Kate. I grafted on the prequel and it's around 70K words with it. I also have a little bridge work to do between the two. However, the story feels almost complete. I doubt I'll get it to 100,000 words. My reading experience is that 80K words or so is a "normal" length for a novel. I'm tempted to get on my soapbox about the bloated novels that are being published nowadays (so maybe you're right and 100K is what publishers are looking for), but I'll spare you the boring diatribe.
Again, Thanks! :)

mattw said...


Mummy Grabill said...

Yayyyyy Anne! Congrats and good job! We need to celebrate now that I no longer need to hold back from inviting you to things! :-)

My word verification for today is "braless" kind of goes with the foot-loose and fancy free feel of the post I guess! LOL!!

belsum said...


vince said...

Hooray for 50K! Great job Anne.