
Cooking Sweet

Made baklava for the office holiday party (we're economizing by having committee members bring in desserts). It takes a while, but people enjoy it quite a bit and it's fun to make. My favorite part is pouring the honey sauce over the hot baklava and seeing it come to a boil again from the heat of the dish.

I also managed to make something fun for a Christmas related project. I'll have to make a second batch, since there was a minor flaw with the first batch. For something I've never even attempted before, it turned out pretty well. When I have the second batch made, I'm sending it to a few people I think will appreciate it and I'm looking forward to reactions.

We'll see...


Janiece said...

I'm sure you project will turn out just fine.

Of course, you brought me Enstrom's toffee, so as far as I'm concerned, you can DO NO WRONG.

mattw said...

That looks very tasty. Is there any way you could teleport some to my desk?

Unknown said...

I HOPE you will make more for Christmas holidays? (she whines...)
And also, WHAT was the Christmas project? Huh, huh??

Mummy Grabill said...

Yeah - I think the label 'cryptic topic' is missing from the tags! Anyway, that reminds me that we need to get together to discuss Christmas Smorgasbord for Christmas Day. You are my #1 partner on that endeavor!

Anne C. said...

I will certainly make baklava for us if you like. I was considering doing Alton Brown's more "authentic" one, since we'll have the smorgasbord in case it flops. (AB flop? HA! Yeah right.) But I'll do what the committee requests.

As for the super secret Christmas project, you'll have to wait til you get here to find out what that is. Muahahahaha!

MG, I'll give you a call this weekend to begin planning for the Christmas Smorgasbord. :D

(I want to write "smorgasborg" even though I know it's not right.
OK, Trek fans... whats a smorgasborg?)

MWT said...

Mmmm... baklava.... *droool*

Stacey said...

A Smorgasborg is a Borg created with leftover parts, who wants to know a little about everyone.

Anne C. said...

Good one, Stacey. :)

vince said...

Anne, if you ever got tired of your job, I bet you could make a good living running a small restaurant. You're obviously a great cook.

Anne C. said...

Aww... Thank you, Vince!

belsum said...

Mmmm, baklava...