
Gulp! [Dives]

[That's me coming up for air before diving down again...]

It's a busy week for me, and has been since mid-last week. Here's a rundown:
Last Thursday - Had drinks with Stacey instead of going grocery shopping
Last Friday - Grocery shopped, had lunch with my brother, cleaned the kitchen, and made a fabulous meal for eight.
Last Saturday - Hung out with my mum, got locked out of the house, drove around looking for various items my mum needed, went to my sister's to hang out with the family.
Last Sunday - [Blessed free time in the morning!] Hung out with my parents and aunt and uncle, listening to reminiscences, went to my brother's to hang out with the family.
Yesterday - Went to The Melting Pot with mum, sister, and future SIL for a girls' night out.
Today - Going to a friend's house for a get together.
Tomorrow - [Blessed free time! I think.] Probably trying to finish the book club book, The Thin Man, and catching up on financial housekeeping.
Thursday - Going to book club gathering.
Friday - [Blessed free time! I think.]
Saturday - Start NaNoWriMo.

Whew! I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I totally hear you on the uber-busy schedule! Methinks we should have a e-glass of wine together -- *clink* -- because we BOTH deserve it! ;)