
And Now For Something Completely Different

Not really, I suppose, if you know I love and appreciate having cats...

Here is a hilarious 7 minute video called Engineer's Guide to Cats. It made me laugh on a day I needed to laugh (isn't that every day really?).

(Yes, I admit to having utilized "corporal cuddling" to gently irritate a cat. And the "cat yodelling" too.)

Thank you, Paul and TJ, for making this lovely video.


Here's another funny video: Jon Stewart interviewing Bush (Will Ferrell)

Not quite as purely hilarious and cute as the cat one, but funny nonetheless, especially if you think GWB should get out of office ASAP.


Mummy Grabill said...

Okay - that was hilarious! I love the "I'm not paying attention to you" game. That's a favorite in my house.

Anne C. said...

That was good, wasn't it? I just found another funny video I'm going to add. This one, a political one. Considering 2/3 to 3/4 of the country don't like Bush, I'm going to assume most of you will enjoy it...

Tom said...

No matter when it happens, Bush will still office a sap.

Stacey said...

Hilarious! Fulfills my needs for kitties, nerds and documentaries. I thought his voice was spectacular.

Anne C. said...

Yes, it is.

voyagerinmo said...

For another really funny cat riff, do a search on YouTube for "Mean Cat". It's one cat owner's funny rap/riff on his cat's behavior.

vince said...

Okay, I am the guy with three cats, and the discipline seen in the video is the one I use - well, except I don't require the cats to yodel.

That was great Anne!