
Thanks for All the Fish... er... Advice

You know that scene in Sense and Sensibility where Elinor sits by Marianne's sickbed and during the night there is a particular moment when the fever breaks and you know that Marianne will not die? (Just smile and nod, that's sufficient for me...) Well, not to be overdramatic, but I had that moment driving home from work. I suddenly realized I was hungry -- and not hungry in that "ow, my stomach wants something" kinda way -- really hungry and looking forward to eating something! I thought about going to a restaurant, 'cause though I was hungry, I really didn't think I had the energy to cook, and then I realized I had the fixin's for a perfectly good spaghetti Bolognese. I had some "fresh" pasta (you know, the kind that's in the refrigerated section. Hey, it was on sale!) and a jar of spaghetti sauce (don't usually have it, but bought it for something else and it didn't get used) and I was positive there was some ground meat of some sort in the freezer. Yup, a pound of beef that had been there for an age and a half. Yipee! It was quick (had to do the "put it in a pan and keep turning it over and scraping off the defrosted parts" thing) and easy and DE-licious! The first real food I've had, other than soup and orange juice and tea, since Sunday afternoon. No picture though, 'cause I'd like to finish this up and go to bed pronto.

So, things are looking up. I was going to wait until tomorrow to write this, but then I wasn't sure I'd feel this good tomorrow morning, so I though I'd write it tonight. :) Crossing my fingers for a good tomorrow...


Stacey said...

Feeling hungry for real food is a good thing. I hope you are feeling just as good, if not better, today.

Janiece said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for a good Friday for you!

Mummy Grabill said...

Okay - so maybe it's just me, but - when I'm sick, I'm not one of those "can't eat anything" kind of people. I wish I were (might lose a few pounds), but I'm always hungry. Always willing to eat something. So while I think I have the same thing you do, I've been eating quite regularly and heartily. :-) Oh well, we each have our individuals expresions of sickness. I'll have to wait for my "sign".

MWT said...

Yay resumption of nourishment! :)

Anne C. said...

I think having someone to cook for you affects how much you eat when sick.

Mummy Grabill said...

Well, to be clear, no one's cooked for me these last few days. I've either cooked for myself or I've gone out to eat (at lunch time). So I don't think that is necessarily the issue.

Stacey said...

When I'm sick, I'm not hungry. It doesn't matter that JR offers to cook for me. Sometimes I just say yes bc he wants to do something for me and doesn't know what and that makes HIM feel better.

belsum said...

I'm very glad to hear of your improvement!

(No email from the Reader but this post did show up on that page when I logged in to it separately. Hmmm, might take some tweaking yet. We'll get it sussed out!)