

It appears that we do not live in a godless country after all.

Turns out Easter Sunday is not a big shopping day.

Who knew?

(Actually, it's probably not the same in more diverse areas of the country. Jewish, Muslim, Buddist, Zoastrian, and Atheists need to shop too.)


MWT said...

Yep. The takeout was pretty dead today. :)

On the other hand, it's deadest on Superbowl Sunday, so make of that what you will when you consider the impact of religious holidays on retail...

Random Michelle K said...

Actually, despite my issues with religion, I typically *try* not to shop on Sundays.

Primarily because having worked minimum wage, I worked with a number of parents who never ever got to spend time on the weekends with their children. You work in an average Joe restaurant, Sundays are the busiest days of the week, so everyone has to work, and usually work long shifts. (Because some Christians seem to feel that the no work on Sunday clause applies only to them, not the minimum wage workers at the restaurant they go to. [And then tend to tip crappy too.])

Stores not being open one day on the weekend would allow these low income employees to spend one day a week with their families.

It won't happen, but it'd be nice.

Yes, I know that these stores could be staffed by single people without families, but they aren't. At least not around here.

Janiece said...

Anne, I remember the day I realized Easter is pretty heavily observed around here. My daughter and I wanted to shop for shoes (because that's a religious experience) and nothing was open.


Even more interesting is when people who know I'm not Christian ask me what I'm "doing" for Easter. I'm always tempted to answer, "hanging out on the cross," but I never do.

And Michelle? Lots of the places around here are closed on Sundays. Not the big box stores, but the local places. And Hobby Lobby.

Anne C. said...

That's a good policy to have, Michelle. Besides the fact that having a "day of rest," where we don't run around like chickens with our heads cut off, is a nice idea.

Unknown said...

"I'm always tempted to answer, "hanging out on the cross," but I never do."
You'll get bopped by a censer or splashed with holy water if you said anything so irreverent! LOL

MWT said...

Back when I lived in a smaller town, local-run restaurants tended to be closed on Tuesdays. Because that's when the least number of people are eating out.

My boss likes to play golf on Easter Sundays. Everyone else is at church. ;)

Random Michelle K said...


Monday and Tuesday are the only days my friend who is a restaurant asst. manager ever gets off. He pretty much has to make a deal with the devil to get a weekend off. This means he and his wife almost never have a day off together, which is nice for their daughter, since that means they need less child care, but not so good for them actually being able to spend time together as a family.

And as they're going through a great deal of difficulty right now (her brother committed suicide in their house in January, and he found the body) it makes me even madder that they aren't being given the time they need to help each other heal. [I talked to him last week, and he said she hadn't gone to counseling because she didn't have the time. I suggested that she take their daughter to a session, because a distracted session has to be better than no session at all.]

OK. End rant.

Look! A fluffy kitty! How CUTE!

MWT said...

Well, why does it have to be him getting a weekend off, as opposed to her getting a Monday or Tuesday off? I guess I challenge the notion that the M-F workweek must always be the dominant pattern to everyone's lives.

Random Michelle K said...

She's lower paid than he is--she's a bank teller. And she does have to work one Saturday a month. But still...