
Tiny Screen

Second try at posting something frrom the PDA.

Oh sure. The second time it goes through fine.

Will repost my thoughts later, when I'm at a keyboard.

OK. What I had laboriously typed into my PDA, only to have it not publish was something like this:

A while back, I considered a PDA as a portable computing device. My laptop had crapped out and it was (at the time) too expensive to replace with something similar (original had cost $3K). I decided to get a desktop ($800, as I recall) and use a PDA as a portable computer for writing. Of course, I was going to get a keyboard attachment (which I never got). Years later, I bought my netbook. Today, I was killing time in a Borders and got online with their free wifi. I didn't have my netbook, so I am picking away on the PDA. The moral of the story: netbooks rock!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Our old Notebook kicked the bucket a couple of days ago... :-(
No traveling computers now...
Must solve.... :-)