
Preaching to the Choir

Watching Sarah Palin's speech right now. Irony? She put down Obama's "speaking to adoring crowds" (a Republican talking point I've heard before) but who is she speaking to? Throngs of adoring Republicans who cheer at the right points and boo the right points (NEW TAXES, BOO!).

Ah, politics, how I hate thee. Turning perfectly nice human beings into automatrons of partisanship. Excuse me while I hurl.


Janiece said...

Ah, politics, how I hate thee.

"From hell's heart, I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."

Anne's going postal any moment, now.

Mummy Grabill said...

Anne - I, too, watched Palin's speech and Giuliani's speech before hand. I very much disliked Giuliani's tone - the whole thing was one long snicker and didn't have any policy-substance that I could find.

Palin's speech was - better. I thought she delivered it well, I thought she sounded intelligent and driven to improve things. I was disappointed by her tone at times, and yes, disappointed at the hypocrisy of the situation and some of her words. I was down right stunned by their obvious disdain and the sneering way in which both Guiliani and Palin spoke of "community organizers". The way in which they did it made them sound elitist and disdainful of the efforts of the ordinary citizen. That part disgusted me entirely.

I think it's more the role of the "underlings" to attack the opponent rather than the presidential nominee themselves doing it. I didn't get to see much, or any of the other democratic speeches, so I can't really compare. I will watch McCain's speech closely to see the tenor of his speech and how it compares to Obama's. I hope it has a lot more substance than the other Republican speeches, I expect it will.

Anne C. said...

I think it's more the role of the "underlings" to attack the opponent rather than the presidential nominee themselves doing it.

You're right, Aileen. I purposefully avoided minor Dem speaches because I knew they'd be Bush-bitchfests. I forgot the Reps would be the same (mainly because I was interested in hearing Palin speak). You're also right that Palin did well. I thought she was strongest when when describing her own accomplishments and thought she was seriously lacking in saying what they will accomplish in the future (probably didn't say "overturn Roe v. Wade" since it wouldn't play well to independents). Ultimately though, for me, her parroting of standard Republican "talking points" undercut her character as a "maverick" (which I believe she really is).

Unknown said...

The McCain/Palin team look like a bunch of faternity brats gone a mock. Just imagine what they'll do if they reach the oval office.

belsum said...

I nearly skipped this post when I discovered it dealt with politics. We hates them, precious. This sort of post and historical stuff is all I can take. I keep deleting LJ subscription notifications without even reading them just because they're tagged as political. I'm _thisclose_ to quitting the DW MM because there are a handful of LOUD liberals who cannot believe that other humans on the planet might possible believe other than they do. HATE. I hate politics so much. Bi-partisan, party specific, either spectrum, doesn't matter. Bite my shiny metal ass you meatbags.

Theresa said...

You took my breath away. I try to ignore it, then they come and take my governor away from me. And I turn into one of them - a bickering partisan hack. Maybe I'll come here for some respite care.

Anonymous said...

Knowing she didn't write all of it gives her a little bit of a break. I also find some of it a little rough, but I really like her and what she stands for.
I hate politics and dealing with all of this mess that comes with it. 2 months and counting...but oh what I get to teach my students.

Anne C. said...

You are all welcome to come by here for respite. I don't plan to talk politics much because I've seen it turn people I like very much into distrustful and suspicious human beings. There's more to life than politics!

vince said...

There's more to life than politics!

Amen to that. So I look forward to more good food and cool pictures here, which will lower our blood pressure (if not our weight).

Anne C. said...

I'll do my best, Vince. I'm thinking about maybe making Michelle's Bittersweet Brownies this weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

So am I, Anne (going to try the brownies. We'll have to compare notes. :)

Then I'll probably freeze half of THOSE just like I did my cheesecake. Eventually I'll end up with a freezer full of chocolate treats I wanted to try but not finish. LOL

Random Michelle K said...

Jeri, just so you know, I'm not sure how well they'll freeze.

They're really at their best within a day of baking.

Wonder if you could use smaller pans and just freeze the batter instead.