
Keeping Busy

I put together a list of stuff I need to do, ranging from job related things like updating my resume and portfolio to household stuff like taking the things I've be accumulating in my vestibule to the Salvation Army. I've been pretty diligent all morning getting random things done. So far there's not much rhyme or reason to it. If it catches my eye, I do it.

It's a little weird feeling, but at least I feel like I'm accomplishing stuff.

I've got one lead on a small renovation project. That might get me a few bucks to add to the kitty. We'll see. My friend is passing on my name and number to the potential client.
Friday I have lunch plans with friends, am taking photos for my portfolio, and will be going up to my brother's for BSG watching.

So, it looks like life goes on. Surprised? No, me neither. :)


belsum said...

Good for you.

Rebekah said...

Sorry about the layoff. I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck.

vince said...

It sounds like you're doing everything right. Good for you. And good luck on the renovation project.

And your verification word is Minnesota with a lot of the letters missing. Weird.

Jeri said...

I'm glad you're staying busy as well! Sounds like quite a slate of projects - too bad you can't employ yourself. :)