
Friday Cat Blogging

I love sleeping cats! This one is of Matti, with his paw pressed over his eyes:

And I have many photos of the cats squished into one bed, but here's another:


Random Michelle K said...

Aww! Tabbies!

vince said...

Very cute!

belsum said...


Unknown said...

Kitty pictures! Phew, I feel better now....

Tom said...

Two cats in one bed? Can't happen around my house. I have 2 beds, one for Orea, and one for Buttercup. Oreo uses hers all the time, but when Buttercup tries to use the other one, Oreo gets out of hers, goes over to Buttercup and beats her up until she gets out of her bed and runs away. Then Oreo settles into Buttercup's bed. Since Buttercup doesn't get to use her bed, she's on mine 95% of the time.

Oreo's such a bitch!